Business Hours:
Mon - Thurs 10-6 Fri 10-8
Sat 10-6 Sun 12-5
Create for a Cause!
Art + Community = a creative connection
Spread awareness and support for your cause with a fundraiser here at the Moon. Invite your supporters and introduce your organization to our community. We will work with you to come up with a creative project for everyone to design. Then a portion of any sale of that project will be donated to your cause.
Your Cause is the INSPIRATION!
Working with local
non-profits and charitable organizations
Like Nature's Nursery Wildlife Rehab!
Pictured here is "Carl the Cardinal", an ambassador for Nature's Nursery and an inspiration for the art project everyone created for their fundraising event this past spring of 2023. Inspiration is never far when it comes to a good cause.
Creative Ways to Connect
Fundraising with art is a wonderful way to share an experience with your supporters.